Seize control of key ports to expand your trade, support it with your powerful fleet and the wealth of the world will flow to you. Experience the all new trade system: The trade system adds a new dimension to the great trade empires of the period.Lead any one of more than 250 countries that originally existed during the game's extensive time span.
#Europa universalis iv wiki full#
The world is now your playground: Players can enjoy over 300 years of gameplay in a lush topographic map in full 3D.Have more than a thousand historical leaders and over 4000 historical Monarchs at your disposal. Thousands of historical events guide you, with unique different flavor depending on the country you play. Experience history coming to life: The great people and personalities of the past are on hand to support you.Do you have a warrior King? Then it is time to make war. Use your Monarch Power: Experience the new system of monarch power where your spread of choices is influenced by the caliber of the man you have at the top.Take your own decisions: Nation building is flexible: decide your own form of government, the structure of your society, trade politics and more.Upon reaching a certain threshold in war score, the loser can sue for peace or the winner may be able to impose their own peace terms, which may include outright conquest and annexation. The successful conduct of a war is measured through war score. Land armies and naval fleets can engage in battles, led by generals and admirals. Extermination, a euphemism for warfare, can be conducted on both land and sea.Players can also make exploits through the use of espionage. Exploitation of the world is accomplished mostly through the management of your national economy and the control of international trade.Lastly, territory can also be gained as part of a program of colonization. Revolts of nearby provinces can also add territory to your nation if you share a common cause, such as having the same culture as the revolutionaries. They may also militarily conquer territory through warfare. Players may diplomatically gain territory, which can lead to the inheritance of an entire country. Expansion is dealt with through a few different mechanics.Or, after sufficient time has past, world geography may be revealed as common knowledge through events. Players must hire explorers and conquistadors to travel into the unknown parts of the world. Exploration is dealt with by the use of terra incognita covering much of the world at game start.EU4 is within the " 4X" genre of games, because it permits a player to 'eXplore,' 'eXpand,' 'eXploit' and 'eXterminate.' Players can choose to play single-player mode versus the AI, or multiplayer over a LAN or the Internet against a mix of human and AI opponents.